General Meeting, Dec 19, 2018

MTOA General Meeting

December 19, 2018

Meeting called to order: 7:20

Members attending: Seande Pulley, Stephanie Burnam, Marcus Whittington, Randall Edwards, Randy McDonald, Myron Krueger, Gary Tolbert, Mary Lynn Satur, Michelle Fitch, Leila Lund, Gary Lund, Rick Wooten, Carol Linden, Mark Gatzki, Terry Gatzki and guest Kevin Foster 

Minutes from the 2016 meeting were read. Motion to accept was made by Mary Lynn Satur, seconded by Gary Tolbert. Motion Passed. There was no meeting held in 2017. 

Myron recognized Randall Edwards, treasurer and Terry Gatzki, secretary for their work for the organization. 

Kevin Foster Discussed the new USTA Certification changes, including workshop requirements, and work requirements for the various levels of certifications. Also discussed were the in-person workshops and the requirement for a new official to hold a conference with the Sectional Chairman either by phone or in person, after completing all other requirements.  

Randall Edwards presented the 2017 and 2018 financial reports.  Randall indicated that membership, as reflected by official payments, has remained about the same for the last three years. So far for 2018, the MTOA has processed payments for approximately 350 events. Randall also, suggested the MTOA dues be reduced to $8.00 from $10.00. After discussion it was decided to leave the dues at $10.00.  Randy McDonald made the motion to accept the financial reports, seconded by Mark Gatzki, Motion passed.

New Business – Randy McDonald suggested the MTOA hold a social for all members. Discussion did not yield any action.

Myron Krueger presented the nominating committee suggestions for new board member to replace those whose terms have expired and will expire at the end of 2018. Recommended board members whose terms will expire 2020: Stephanie Burnham, Terry Gatzki, Michelle Fitch, Seande Pulley. Recommended board members whose terms will expire in 2021: Randall Edwards, Dwayne Enderle, Myron Krueger, and Rick Wooten.  Myron Krueger asked for recommendations from the floor. None were offered. Randy McDonald made a motion that the recommendations of the nominating committee be approved. Seconded by Mark Gatzki. Motion Carried.

Motion made, seconded and passed to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned 8:45.

Respectfully submitted

Terry Gatzki, secretary

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