Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2012 Exams Now Available

The 2012 OFFICIALS EXAMS (Sectional, Referee, and ITA) are all now available.  Go to the right of the blog under "Officials Information Sites" and click on "2012 Exams."

Don't forget that you must take your exam before attending your school and then bring the test results with you.  Once you have passed the test online they will email you your test scores.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Minutes of the December 4, 2011, MTOA Board Meeting

Metroplex Tennis Officials Association
Annual Meeting
December 4, 2011

Members Present –  Nancy Ebersole, Stephanie Burnam, Lee Thornburg, Neil Mikkilsen, Larry Gendron, Rich Macy-Simpson, Nancy King, Randy McDonald, Randall Edwards, Myron Krueger, Susan Wertenberger, Mara Chase,Terry Gatzki, Andy Suchower, and Bruce Sampley.

The Meeting was called to order by President, Nancy King.

New Business
·         Randy reported on the MTOA Blog.  Also, he will send out notices and updated information as needed.
·         Increase of MTOA pay rates were discussed.  Due to economy and a drop in tournament entries, discussion was tabled.
·         Lunch being included at tournaments was discussed.  There were varied opinions.  It was concluded that the Referee will negotiate this issue with the Tournament Director and pass on to hired officials.
·         New MTOA members need to be informed of MTOA payment protocols and other information.   This will be the Referee’s responsibility to inform hired officials of information that is pertinent to each individual tournament.  Randall will send current payment protocol to area Referee’s.  It was decided that this information should not be published to everyone.

Old Business – There was no old business

Board of Directors  -
                Nancy King – President
                Susan Wertenberger – Vice President
                Secretarty – Roz Tuerk
                Treasurer – Randall Edwards
                Nancy Ebersole
                Larry Gendron
                Gary Tolbert
                Motion to accept BOD for 2012, made by Stephanie Burnam and seconded by Terry Gatzki.

Adjournment –
                Motion to adjourn made by Stepahie Burnam and seconded by Nancy Ebersole.

Respectfully submitted

Susan Wertenberger, acting secretary

Page 2
Additions to minutes:
Item 3 – Providing lunch for officials
Please add:  After a long discussion it was decided to make it MTOA policy that an official may leave the site to go and get lunch if it is not provided.   They will be paid for the time they were gone.

The New Board of Directors:

Nancy King, President
Susan Wertenberger, vice president
Randall Edwards, treasurer
Roz Tuerk, secretary

Randall Edwards
Lee Thornburg
Myron Krueger
Roz Tuerk

Gary Tolbert (replacing Cathy Kennan)
Nancy King
Randy McDonald
Seande Pulley

Stephanie Burnam
Susan Wertenberger
Nancy Ebersole
Larry Gendron

Respectfully submitted,

Roz Tuerk, secretary
19 December 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Officiating Opportunity

First call for officials for the CH/SC Challenge the weekend of January 21-22, 2012, at Canyon Creek Country Club and Allen High School.

If you are interested, please reply with days and shifts you would like to work to:

Joe Mounger (mounger@gmail.com)

Friday, December 16, 2011

New Additions To The Blog

We have added some new links to the MTOA blog on the "Officials Information Sites" that we hope will make your officiating life much easier.  Just check to the right side of the blog and you can check out the new additions.

Now you can direct someone to this blog and it will explain how to become an official, take the background check (required only in 2011 and 2013), take the provisional test, purchase the needed clothes, find the area coordinator, and then get going.

Note that we have also added the 2012 Tournament Schedule which contains all the pertinent information for every tournament in Texas.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Officiating Opportunities

Listed below are USTA tournaments in the Metroplex in January and February.  If you are interested in working any of these tournaments, please contact the referee.

Date   Tournament                      Referee                        Contact Info.            Tournament Link                

Jan. 7-8    Walnut Creek CMZ      Nancy Ebersole        ncebersole@yahoo.com    http://tennislink.usta.com/TOURNAMENTS/TournamentHome_New/Tournament.aspx?T=109387

Jan. 7-8     Lakes ZAT                  Lee Thornburg          lonestarpictures@aol.com   http://tennislink.usta.com/TOURNAMENTS/TournamentHome_New/Tournament.aspx?T=109510

Jan. 14-15  Oasis Junior Open      Lee Thornburg          lonestarpictures@aol.com   http://tennislink.usta.com/TOURNAMENTS/TournamentHome_New/Tournament.aspx?T=113244

Jan. 21-22  Oasis Adult Open       Lee Thornburg          lonestarpictures@aol.com    http://tennislink.usta.com/TOURNAMENTS/TournamentHome_New/Tournament.aspx?T=113245

Feb. 4-5    DTA Winter ZAT        Susan Wertenberger  susan.wert10s@gmail.com   http://tennislink.usta.com/TOURNAMENTS/TournamentHome_New/Tournament.aspx?T=111216

Feb. 18-19 Southlake Jr. Open     Susan Wertenberger  susan.wert10s@gmail.com   http://tennislink.usta.com/TOURNAMENTS/TournamentHome_New/Tournament.aspx?T=111615

Feb. 24-26  Lakes Adult Levels    Lee Thornburg           lonestarpictures@aol.com    http://tennislink.usta.com/TOURNAMENTS/TournamentHome_New/Tournament.aspx?T=111860

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Upcoming Line Clinic in Dallas

There is a line clinic that will be held in January and is open to all who are interested.

Date:  February 3, 2012

Location:  T-M Racquet Club, Dallas, Texas

Time:  7:00 p.m.

Duration of line clinic:  two hours

Contact person:  Seande Pulley (spulley12@hotmail.com)  214 896 8122

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Registration Required For 2012 Officials Schools

There are two important things that need to be done before attending an OFFICIALS SCHOOL in 2012. Listed below are those requirements;

1.  First, you must pre-register.  This can be done by selecting the school you wish to attend (see blog post immediately below this post) and then clicking on "Schools Registration Site" on the right hand side of the blog.

2. Second, you must take your tests before attending the school.  You can take them online but the tests will not be published until after January, 2012.  The link to the tests will be offered on this blog as soon as they are available and you will be notified of their arrival.

Remember, there are only two schools offered in 2012, in the Metroplex so be sure to make your plans now to attend.  Please register as soon as you make your decision.

Monday, December 5, 2011

2012 Officials Schools Information

Listed below are the 2012 OFFICIALS SCHOOLS throughout the state of Texas.  Contact information is included:

DFW - National School
Jan. 14-15
Nancy Ebersole
Hill Country – Boerne*
Jan. 14
Carol Bruehler
Jan. 14
Trevor Edgemon
Jan. 14
Marta Hotz
College Station
Jan. 21
Gordon Brynildsen
Houston- National School
Jan 21-22
Nancy Vivero
San Angelo
Jan. 21
Courtney Nagel
Jan. 28
Allen Prachyl
Jan. 28
Ralph Martin
Jan. 28
Millard Countryman
Feb. 4
Janet Smith
Feb. 4
Mike Flynn
Feb. 18
Bert Rainwater
Wichita Falls
Feb. 25
Bobby Haggerman
San Antonio
Mar 10-11
Tippy Garza
Apr. 28
Al Trevino
May. 5
Jane Hammond
May. 13
Randy McDonald

New MTOA Officers & Board Members Elected

In last night's ANNUAL MEETING, the MTOA membership elected five new board members and then the board elected officers for 2012.  The board also discussed the issue of meals for officials and the discussion is described below.  Here are the actions of last night:

New board members:

Gary Tolbert
Larry Gendron
Stephanie Burnam
Nancy Ebersole
Susan Wertenberger

New officers for 2012:

President:  Nancy King
Vice President:  Susan Wertenberger
Secretary:  Roz Tuerk
Treasurer:  Randall Edwards

The board then formulated this policy concerning meals for officials:

"A tournament is responsible for providing meals for officials.  If they choose not to, the official may leave their site for a reasonable time period to secure and pay for their own meal.  They will be paid for this time."

This new policy is to be followed by all tournaments and enforced by the referee.  If the referee does not secure the cooperation of the tournament then it is their responsibility to notify all officials who will be working of the change in policy and procedure.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Don't Forget The Annual Meeting This Sunday Night

Just a little reminder about our ANNUAL MEETING this Sunday night.

President Nancy King has announced that the MTOA will hold their annual meeting on Sunday evening, December 4th, at 6:00 p.m.  The meeting will be held at Nancy's home (2713 Thorncreek Lane, Ft. Worth, Texas  76177).  Nancy's home is 1.3 miles west of 35 on Hiway 114 and her cell phone number is 817 680 5502.

The annual meeting is always a great time for all the local officials to get together and enjoy sharing their adventures from the year as well as electing four new board members for 2012.  The Nominating Committee will present a slate of four officials to be voted upon and nominations are also accepted from the general membership.

Nancy has asked that everyone bring some type of finger foods for our meal time and there will also be a board meeting following the annual meeting in which officers will be elected for the coming year. 

For further information, please contact the MTOA at the email address listed above.