Thursday, December 13, 2012

Annual Meeting Minutes

Annual meeting:  MTOA 
5 December 2012

Present:  Myron Krueger, Randall Edwards, Susan Wertenberger, Lee Thornburg, Gary
            Tolbert, Marsha Alexander, Randy McDonald, Gary Rayburn, Joe Mounger, Terry
            Gatzki, Seande Pulley, Jeannette Escutia, Mara Chase, Nancy King, Roz Tuerk.

The meting was called to order at 6:15 p.m.

Financial Report:  Randall went over the finances of the past year.  It was noted that there has been a decline in membership.  There was brief discussion on recruitment
of more officials.

Election of board members:  Susan presented the slate for board members with terms
ending  31 December 2015.  Those nominated were Lee Thornburg, Randall Edwards, Terry Gatzki and Roz Tuerk.  There were no nominations from the floor.  Randy moved to accept the slate as presented by Susan.  Seconded and passed.
The new board then voted  Lee Thornburg - President, Susan Wertenberger – Vice-President, Randall Edwards – Treasurer,  Roz Tuerk- Secretary.

Lee handed out copies of Article XIII of the constitution (committees).
After some discussion a publicity committee was formed.  This committee consists of Marsha Alexander, Jeannette Escutia, Randy McDonald, and Joe Mounger.  Also discussed was a web page.

Lee asked for  volunteers for the nominating committee.  The nominating committee for next year is Susan Wertenberger, Stephanie Burnam, and Myron Krueger.

The formation of a Training and Evaluation committee was next.  This committee shall consist of Randy McDonald (UIL & ITA), Myron Krueger, Seande Pulley and Mara Chase.
There was lengthly discussion on the budget for training and what happened to the thousand dollas grant.  Nancy said that it did not go to the chair academy, as originally thought. Nancy explained that it is a sectional grant.  The money is dispersed from Austin.  It goes directly to the official.  The problem is that money has not been received by officials.
The discussion then moved onto grassroots.  The current MTOA web page is not really used for assignments.  Susan  volunteered to keep up with the updated list of new officials.  This list will be updated every time a new official comes through Roving 101.
Training Money will be used for shadowing compensation.  There was also discussion  on the need for feedback to referees after shadowing.  More discussion on how to keep new officials better informed.  Seande stated that this is covered in Roving 101.  Mentoring was also briefly discussed.

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Discipline and Grievance:  Members of this committee are Myron Krueger, Joe Mounger, and Gary Tolbert.  In the discussion that followed Randy suggested that Lee contact Austin.  It appears that Austin does not always notify MTOA when a complaint has been filed.  See if better communication can be had.

Randy moved to adjourn.  It was seconded and passed. 
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Roz Tuerk, secretary

Lee Thornburg, President
Susan Wertenberger, Vice President
Randall Edwards, Treasurer
Roz Tuerk, Secretary

Terms ending 31 December 2013                             
Gary Tolbert
Nancy King
Randy McDonald
Seande Pulley

Terms ending 31 December 2014
Stephanie Burnam
Susan Wertenberger
Terry Gatzki  (replaces Nancy Ebersole)
Larry Gendron

Terms ending 31 December 2015
Lee Thornburg
Randall Edwards
Myron Krueger
Roz Tuerk

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