Saturday, May 26, 2018

Lateness Penalities For Different Scoring Formates

Lateness Penalities For Different Scoring Formates
Scoring Formats
Best of 3 or 5 sets Including Match Tiebreak for Final Set
Pro set matches of 7 or more games
Best of 3 short sets*, including Match Tiebreak for 3rd
Pro set matches to 6 or fewer games
Time Periods
5 Minutes or less
Loss of toss plus 1 game
5:01-10 Minutes
Loss of toss plus 2 games
Loss of toss plus 1 game and 2 points
10:01- 15 Minutes
Loss of toss plus 3 games
Loss of toss plus 2 games
More than 15 Minutes
Except for a default the Referee shall never assess more than a 3 game penalty for lateness
Except for a default the Referee shall never assess more than a 2 game penalty for lateness
Both players late up to 15 minutes
No Penalty
Both players late more than 15 minutes
Referee may default both players or reinstate the match
Both players late but arrive at different times
In singles, penalty accrues when the first player arrives. In doubles, penalty accrues when the first team arrives. (Time starts when first team arrives (both players)
Lateness for Resumption of Suspended match
Same penalities are asses as for lateness for the start of a match except there is not loss of toss
Lateness after 10-minute Rest Period
Up to 5 minutes
Game Penalty
More than 5 minutes
Both players equally late up to 5 minutes
No penalty
Both players late but arrive at different times The last player to arrive loses one game unless the the difference in arrival times is more than 5 minutes. After 5 minutes Default
Both players more than 5 minutes late Referee may default both players, continue the match without penality or penalize last arriving player if less than 5 minutes after first player arrived.
* Short Sets:  First player/team who wins four games wins that set, provided there is a margin of two games over the opponent(s) At four all a Short Set tie-break shall be played. (Short Set Tie-break first to 5 points)

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